6 nov. 2010

Shabby pickles designs BLOG TRAIN

"Thank you for joining Shabby Pickles Blog Train,
I hope you are enjoying the ride and have picked up some gorgeous freebies!!

I also hope you love my freebie just as much, here is the link to grab it:


password: seni2010

now you have that it is time for this train to contiune it's journey, the next stop is


happy travelling CHOO CHOO!!"

5 commentaires:

Aurélia Holder a dit…

très joli ce blogtemplate, mais quel est le mot de passe pour le télécharger!?
merci en tout cas pour ce freebie!

DBuckelew a dit…

I'm sorry - it's lovely, but I'm not able to download. It's asking for a password?

EAL Designs a dit…

same here, need a password, but a lovely blog design

Unknown a dit…

Beautiful. Thank you.

Aurélia Holder a dit…

encore merci, ca y est il est installé sur mon blog